Friday, September 21, 2018

Pollings and election outcomes

On September 20, 2018, the New York Times published an article by Nate Cohn,  “Why Polling Can Be So Hard?”. Nate Cohn is a domestic correspondent for elections, pollings, and demographics at Newyork Times since 2013. He gives precise explains on how polling is so difficult and unreliable nowadays. Also, the outcomes of polling are interestingly related to what we have learned in class about our involvement in political affairs. The article is well organized and easy to follow. It only took me 15 minutes to read and understand the writing. If you are interested in knowing the causes of  pollsters’ difficulties and how they have worked on it, read the article right now.
PS: Read the comments too.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


 The Political Typology quiz says I am a disaffected Democrat, so I would like to explore and write about its impediment.

This is Thai. His political journal will begin soon. Stay tuned!